Here's Noah and the gang celebrating his 4 year old birthday at McDonald's. I credit Dan with the stroke of genius to have the party at McD's. What kid doesn't love that place? The kids played like maniacs while the parents chatted over a drink (only better would be if it were a cocktail...come on McD's, where's my McMargarita?). Best part...leaving bits and pieces of chocolate cake on the floor and knowing it wasn't mine to clean up!
Here's Noah and the gang celebrating his 4 year old birthday at McDonald's. I credit Dan with the stroke of genius to have the party at McD's. What kid doesn't love that place? The kids played like maniacs while the parents chatted over a drink (only better would be if it were a cocktail...come on McD's, where's my McMargarita?). Best part...leaving bits and pieces of chocolate cake on the floor and knowing it wasn't mine to clean up!
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