It's Been a Long December....

December has come and gone! I can't believe it's been so long since I posted anything on the blog. We had so many reasons to put things up! I am sure you will never read my blog again! Anyway...where to begin? We kicked off the Christmas season with the annual tree hunt up Bridger Canyon. It was fun to take the kids this year. We tugged them around in sleds and looked for the perfect tree. When they got too tired (about 15 minutes later...) we headed back to the truck where I fed the kids snacks and Dan hunted down the most beautiful 14+ foot tree we have ever had! As you can see it dwarfed the truck...they always look smaller before you load them into the truck!

We stuffed that tree in through one of our doors and it literally took up the whole living room! So....we decided to invite our small group over to decorate it...many hands make light work. You can see that the ladder next to the tree only reached about half way up. Thank goodness we had James' height to reach high up to the top of the tree.
After our tree was up we headed off to Boise for a week to celebrate with family there.

After the tree was up and the house somewhat decorated, we headed to Boise to celebrate with Dan's family. I loaded up the kids and took them there myself! It was amazing how well they behaved and we made the fastest time to Boise ever! We had a fun visit with the cousins and Dan's folks. The kids just love to be with their cousins! The highlight of the trip was our Christmas dinner party where the kids got to open their gifts. Lily recieved four new princess dresses and was changed in and out of each one within 4 minutes! So cute to see her reaction to the beautiful new dresses!
Upon arriving home it was time for our annual cookie exchange. This event is growing in popularity and the cookies presented this year were the best ever! Our table was beautiful! What a wonderful time of fellowship with an awesome group of women!
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