The night before the Nutcracker "Tea with Clara" we decided to try rag ringlets in Lily's hair. I bribed her with her favorite tv shows while I tied strips of torn up old sheets into her hair and wrapped the hair around the strip. The expected result of this method would be to have tight ringlets like Nellie on Little House on the Prarie. By the time we were finished she looked like she had dreads in her hair. She was a really good sport about it especially when I told her that in the morning we got to unwrap them and we would find a surprise! She was excited to have hair like Clara from the Nutcracker. In the morning we pulled them out and found that she had tight little ringlets! Being that it was our first attempt the curls were not all perfectly uniform and there were some straight strands, so we decided to pull it back for an upswept do. We will post another post on the Nutcracker so you can see the completely finised product.
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